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2003年硕士毕业于北京大学医学部生物物理学系,毕业后即入职排列3蛋白质组学实验室,工作至今。所负责的测试服务项目涉及生物质谱相关应用,包括分子量测定,靶标蛋白质/代谢物定量,蛋白质组学和代谢组学。具有多年液质联用仪器使用及维护经验,包括MALDI-TOFESI-Q-TOFESI-Q-OrbitrapESI-IT-OrbitrapTriple-quadrupole-MS等。科研方向为蛋白质组/代谢组方法开发及其在生物医学中的应用,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Analytica Chimica ActaTalantaProteomicsMetabolomics等杂志发表SCI论文十余篇。同时担任分析中心内审员,负责实验室计量认证仪器的使用维护工作及《作业指导书》编写。


1. 基于高分辨液质联用系统的靶向代谢组学新方法开发:在高分辨液质联用平台上基于平行反应监测采集模式(PRM)建立了大规模靶向脂质组学分析方法,实现了对生物样本中二百多种脂质分子的准确定量分析,进一步拓展了高分辨质谱系统在代谢组学中的应用范围。

2. 基于数据非依赖采集模式的代谢组学新方法开发:在高分辨液质联用平台上将数据非依赖采集模式(DIA)应用于非靶向代谢组学的研究中,使得在代谢组学数据采集过程中可以更为全面地收集样本中代谢物的信息,并进行更为可靠的定量分析。

3. 建立绝对定量分析方法用于多种化合物的测定:通过文献参考及条件优化,在三重四级杆液质联用平台上建立了针对多种化合物(用于核酸、人参三醇、塑化剂、维生素、氨基酸等)的绝对定量方法,可应用于多种常见生物样本的分析,通量高且定量准确性好。


1. Lijun Zhong#; Juntuo Zhou#; Xi Chen; Yaxin Lou; Dan Liu; Xiajuan Zou; Bin Yang; Yuxin Yin; Yan Pan. (2016). Quantitative proteomics study of the neuroprotective effects of B12 on hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells. Scientific reports, 6: 22635.

2. Juntuo Zhou; Chunlei Liu; Dandan Si; Bing Jia; Lijun Zhong* & Yuxin Yin*. (2017). Workflow development for targeted lipidomic quantification using parallel reaction monitoring on a quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 972: 62-72.

3. Juntuo Zhou; Yuhua Li; Xi Chen; Lijun Zhong* & Yuxin Yin*. (2017). Development of data-independent acquisition workflows for metabolomic analysis on a quadrupole-orbitrap platform. Talanta, 164: 128-136.

4. Lijun Zhong#, Juntuo Zhou#, Xi Chen,Jiao Liu, Zhen Liu, Yingyu Chen & Yun Bai. (2017). Quantitative proteomics reveals EVA1A-related proteins involved in neuronal differentiation. Proteomics, 17(5): 1600294.

5. Jing Zhang#; Lijun Zhong#; Yang Wang; Limei Liu; Xin Cong; Ruolan Xiang; Liling Wu; Guangyan Yu & Yan Zhang*. (2017). Proteomic analysis reveals an impaired Ca2+/AQP5 pathway in the submandibular gland in hypertension. Scientific reports, 7: 14524.

6. Yimeng Song#; Lijun Zhong#; Juntuo Zhou; Min Lu; Tianying Xing; Lulin Ma & Jing Shen. (2017). Data-Independent Acquisition-Based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Potential Biomarkers of Kidney Cancer. Proteomics Clin Appl., 11: 1700066.

7. Yan, L., Zhou, J., Wang, D., Si, D., Liu, Y., Zhong, L.* & Yin, Y.*. (2018). Unbiased lipidomic profiling reveals metabolomic changes during the onset and antipsychotics treatment of Schizophrenia disease. Metabolomics, 14(6): 80.

8. Tao, L., Zhou, J., Yuan, C., Zhang, L.*, & Zhong, L.*. (2019). Metabolomics identifies serum and exosomes metabolite markers of pancreatic cancer. Metabolomics, 15(6): 86.

9. Zhou J., Sun L., Chen L, Liu, S., Zhong, L.* & Cui, M.*. (2019). Comprehensive metabolomic and proteomic analyses reveal candidate biomarkers and related metabolic networks in atrial fibrillation. Metabolomics, 15(7): 96.

10. Liang, L., Li, Y., Tian, X., Zhou, J.*, & Zhong, L.*. (2019). Comprehensive lipidomic, metabolomic and proteomic profiling reveals the role of immune system in vitiligo. Clinical & Experimental Dermatology, 44: 216–223.

11. Han Y, Zhang W, Liu J, Song Y, Liu T, Li Z, Wang X, Yang N, Li Y, Han D, Mi X, Zhou Y, Li M, Guo X, Zhong L*, Wang G* & Yuan Y*. (2020) Metabolomic and Lipidomic Profiling of Preoperative CSF in Elderly Hip Fracture Patients with Postoperative Delirium. Front. Aging Neurosci., 12: 570210.

12. Zhou J#, Song Y#, Xing T, Ge L., Ma L., Lu M*. & Zhong L.*. (2021). Proteomic analysis reveals distinctive protein expression patterns of thrombus in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Translational Oncology, 14(1): 100895.

13. Juntuo Zhou, Bing Liu, Zhongwu Li, Yang Li, Xi Chen, Yuanyuan Ma, Shi Yan, Xin Yang, Lijun Zhong* and Nan Wu*. (2021). Proteomic Analyses Identify Differentially Expressed Proteins and Pathways Between Low-Risk and High-Risk Subtypes of Early-Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma and Their Prognostic Impacts. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 20: 100015.

14. Tao, L.#, Zhong, L.#, Li, Y., Li, D., Xiu, D., & Zhou, J. (2021). Integrated proteomics and phosphoproteomics reveal perturbed regulative pathways in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Molecular omics, 17(2), 230–240.

15. Zhou, J., Chen, X., Chen, W., Zhong, L.*, & Cui, M*. (2021). Comprehensive plasma metabolomic and lipidomic analyses reveal potential biomarkers for heart failure. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, 476(9), 3449–3460.